Rav Wolbe writes (Alei
Shur vol. II pg. 339) that there are two main ways the Torah gauges a person's
greatness. The first is via his level of emunah and the second is via his level
of yirah. Examples of the latter can be found not only throughout the Torah,
but in this week's parsha as well. Avraham Avinu justified his referring to
Sarah as his sister: "For I said there is no fear of Hashem in
this place and they will kill me because of my wife." After Akeidas
Yitzchok Hashem told Avraham, "Now I know that you fear Hashem."
About Amaleik the Torah writes, "And they did not fear Hashem."
These are but a few of the numerous instances.
In this week's parsha we are told that the Jewish midwives, Shifra and Puah
(a.k.a. Yocheved and Miriam), did not heed Pharaoh's command to kill the Jewish
babies and, on the contrary, they did everything in their ability to keep them
alive and healthy. The Torah tells us, "And the midwives feared Hashem and they
did not do as the king of Mitzrayim spoke to them" (Shemos 1, 17).
Additionally, the Torah relates that they were rewarded because of their yiras
Shamayim: "Because the midwives feared Hashem, He made for them
houses" (ibid. 1, 21). Rashi explains that the "houses"
mentioned in the pasuk refer to the "house of kehunah"[Aharon] who
descended from Yocheved and the "house of kingship" [Dovid] who
descended from Miriam.
Moreover, Chazal
(Shemos Rabba 1, 16) tell us that also in this merit, Yocheved gave birth to
Moshe, and Miriam became the forbearer of Betzalel who built the Mishkan.
Accordingly, it's interesting to note that the yiras Shamayim described in
these pasukim laid the groundwork for the entire Sefer Shemos. Shemos describes
the redemption of Bnei Yisrael and the receiving of the Torah, both
accomplished through Moshe, and the building of the Mishkan which was directed
by Betzalel.
Rav Wolbe elaborates on the connection between yiras Shamayim and the houses
that were built as its result. Yiras Shamayim can be described as the ability
to withstand the trials that Hashem places before each person. It's the middah
whereby a person builds his spiritual stature from start to finish. The
midwives "built" themselves to the point that they were able to
withstand the greatest test and they put their lives on the line to save the
Jewish children. Measure for measure Hashem rewarded them. Reward in the Torah
in not given as compensation for something that a person does, like a candy
given to a child for good behavior. Rather, the reward is the very fruit that
was born as a result of the action performed. They were endowed with the wisdom
of building, and their actions bore fruit - houses were built for them!
Not a day goes by that we are not tested in one way or
another: Should we hurry through davening? How should we spend our time? Should
we bring this or that into our house? The list is endless. Each and every time
we withstand a test, we are building our spiritual stature, and as mentioned in
this week's parsha, the fruit of such labor is tremendous!
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