destroying Sodom, Hashem felt it necessary to inform Avraham of the impending
destruction. "Am I going to conceal from Avraham what I am doing. . . Ki
yedativ - For I have cherished him." Rashi explains that although
"yedativ" in this context is used as a term of affection,
nevertheless, essentially the word yedativ means "I have known him."
The rationale why this terminology is used to describe affectionate feelings is
because when one cherishes another person he draws him close and becomes
familiar with him.
When one loves another person he will attempt to get to know him and become
acquainted. In conjunction with this idea, Rav Wolbe (Shiurei Chumash) related
a story about his Rebbi, Rav Yeruchom Levovitz zt"l. Rav Yeruchom once
traveled by train from his hometown of Mir to Warsaw. In those days, all the
Jewish passengers would congregate in a designated car of the train thereby
enabling them to travel in a friendly atmosphere. Over the course of the trip
each person would acquaint themselves with their fellow passengers. By the time
Rav Yeruchom reached his destination he had acquainted himself with each and
every passenger. Not only did he find out from where they originated, to where
they were traveling, and each one's occupation, he also attempted to alleviate
any plight of theirs. To one Yid he mentioned a prospect for his daughter, to
another he suggested a possible partner for his business venture, and to others
he offered advice in various areas. Rav Yeruchom loved Yidden and therefore he
tried his best to get to know them.
It is an all too common occurrence that one sits next to another person on a
daily basis and besides for a good morning greeting or a slight nod of the
head, there is no other interaction between them. It might be the person in the
next seat at Shachris, the individual across the table by lunch break, or an
employee at work. One who has ahavas ha'brios will try to familiarize himself
with the lives of those around him, not simply out of curiosity, rather because
he has a true desire to acquaint himself with them and possibly offer
assistance should the need arise. Take the initiative and strike up a friendly
conversation with a Yid you would otherwise ignore. In the very least you will
have increased ahava and shalom in Klal Yisrael, and in many instances you
might actually be able to help them in some way and earn a mitzvah of chesed!
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