This week's
parsha describes in great detail the search for a suitable wife for Yitzchak.
This narrative begins with Avraham appointing his servant Eliezer to accomplish
the above task, and the ensuing dialogue. Rashi observes an interesting aspect
of their conversation. Initially, Avraham tells Eliezer, "And I will make
you swear by Hashem, the G-d of the heavens and the G-d of earth,
that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of Canaan"
(Bereishis 24, 3). In contrast, a few pesukim later (24, 7) when Avraham
once again describes Hashem, he refers to Him merely as, "Hashem the
G-d of the heavens Who took me from the house of my father and from
the land of my birth."
Rashi explains that Avraham was implying that when Hashem first spoke to him
and commanded him to leave the house of his father, He could only be referred
to as the "G-d of the heavens" since only a few people on earth
recognized Him as the Creator. However, now, at the time of their conversation,
Hashem was also considered "the G-d of the earth" since, due to
tireless efforts, he succeeded in making Hashem known to the inhabitants of the
What does this mean? What difference does it make if people recognize Hashem as
the Creator or not; either way He created the earth? Rav Wolbe (Shiurei
Chumash) explains that certainly Hashem was the Ruler of the earth even prior
to Avraham's involvement, but His Kingship was hidden. Thus, His relationship
with the world was one of hester panim and judging according to the strict
letter of the law, for as Chazal (Sanhedrin 111b) tell us, "When there are
wicked people in the world there is [Hashem's] anger in the world." This
resulted in punishments incurred by those who lived in the generations of the
flood and the dispersion.
In contrast, after Hashem became known down on earth, He began relating to the
world with he'aras panim thereby judging with compassion and kindness. Hashem
relates to the world in the exact manner that the world relates to Him. Avraham
succeeded not only in changing people, but also in changing the way Hashem
interacted with His world.
This idea holds true also on a personal level. To the extent that a person
makes Hashem real and a part of his life, he will merit Hashem's involvement in
His life. He is as connected as we want Him to be. Take a step toward Him and
experience some of His infinite he'aras panim!
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